Před dvěma dny jsem si po dlouhé době sedla k počítači a
začala psát článek, který začínal takto…
„Pořád jsem čekala, až budu moct
napsat nějakou dobrou zprávu jako „jupí, mám práci!!“, ale v polední době
to spíš vypadá pravděpodobněji se zprávou „jupí, vyhrála jsem jackpot!“. A ne,
nezačala jsem sázet :D
Stádia hledání práce:
První: Pečlivě vybírám práci…hm,
co by mě tak bavilo…hm, jestlipak splňuji jejich požadavky…NIC
Druhé: Bezhlavě klikám na každou
práci, na kterou narazím…jedno, co to je, jedno, co chtějí …NIC
Třetí: Obíhám pár pohovorů a
čekám, až mi zavolají, jak jsem dopadla...NIC
Tak čekám co „ohmajgád“ bude
další stádium!!!
Do toho mě brzo čeká zkouška
z angličtiny, ze které musím dostat docela dost bodů, aby mi tu dali
licenci u Anglické lékařské komory, a moje učitelka angličtiny mi prakticky
řekla, že to bude velice, velice „difficult“…no velká podpora, řekla bych!“
Two days ago I started to write an article beginning like that...
"I wal waiting for the moment that I would be able to share some good news such as "yay, I have a job!!", but lately it's more likely that "I won a lottery!" . And no, I haven't started to bet! :D
Stages of looking for a job:
First: Carefully looking for a job...well, what would I like to do...hm,am I meeting their requirements?...Nothing
Second: Headless applying for every job that I have found...don't care what they want...don't care what kind of job it is...Nothing
Third: Attending a couple of interview and waiting to hear from them...Nothing
So I am waiting what is the next stage...
Becouse this is not enough I am going to have an English exam soon. I have to get a pretty high score so General Medical Council can give me a licence to practice and my English teacher litteraly told me that It will be really difficult for me...well, that's a support!"
Two days ago I started to write an article beginning like that...
"I wal waiting for the moment that I would be able to share some good news such as "yay, I have a job!!", but lately it's more likely that "I won a lottery!" . And no, I haven't started to bet! :D
Stages of looking for a job:
First: Carefully looking for a job...well, what would I like to do...hm,am I meeting their requirements?...Nothing
Second: Headless applying for every job that I have found...don't care what they want...don't care what kind of job it is...Nothing
Third: Attending a couple of interview and waiting to hear from them...Nothing
So I am waiting what is the next stage...
Becouse this is not enough I am going to have an English exam soon. I have to get a pretty high score so General Medical Council can give me a licence to practice and my English teacher litteraly told me that It will be really difficult for me...well, that's a support!"
A v tom mi pípl email s opravdickou nabídkou práce!! Když už
jsem se pomalu smiřovala s tím, že budu muset jít vykrást banku, abych
všechny ty poplatky zaplatila, ono to přišlo!! Po měsíci a půl, kdy jsem každý
den obcházela město a rozdávala CV jako Večerníček před pohádkou a večer co
večer vyplňovala nesmyslně dlouhé „application forms“ na internetu! Není to nic
zvláštního, prostě práce v obchodě, ale peníze jsou potřeba a pro to, aby
si člověk splnil sny, je holt potřeba na chvíli dělat to, co ho úplně nebaví a
jít oklikou.
Right at this moment I have received an email with a real offer for a job!! Can you believe that? I slowly started to think that I would have to rob a bank so I can pay all of those payments. And it came! After a month and a half of handing millions of CV's in and filling ridiculously long application forms on the internet night after night! The job itself is nothing special, just working in a shop, but sometimes you have to take the long, unpleasant way to achieve your goals!
Right at this moment I have received an email with a real offer for a job!! Can you believe that? I slowly started to think that I would have to rob a bank so I can pay all of those payments. And it came! After a month and a half of handing millions of CV's in and filling ridiculously long application forms on the internet night after night! The job itself is nothing special, just working in a shop, but sometimes you have to take the long, unpleasant way to achieve your goals!
Moje host rodina je naprosto skvělá! Řeším teď spoustu byrokracie,
která se týká přihlášení do Lékařské komory, a oni mi s tím hrozně
pomáhají. Mám tendence si všechno zařizovat sama, ale radši se vždycky chodím
ujistit za Adrianem, jestli jsem to nepochopila špatně :D Dokonce mi nabídli,
že pokud to s hledáním práce v nemocnici nepůjde nijak rychle, tak že
můžu přes prázdniny zůstat tady u nich a jezdit na pohovory odsud! Nedávno jsem
se rozčilovala nad tím, že já teď dám desítky tisíc za vyřízení všech papírů
(ano, jen za registraci do komory a anglický test jsem už dala 16tis), strávím
nad tím hodiny, oni si pak odhlasují výstup z EU, já nedostanu vízum a
vyhodí mě ze země! Naštěstí prý mi to jako doktorovi nehrozí :D
Nejvíc mě pobavilo, že Česká lékařská komora mi nemůže (pochopitelně)
vydat potvrzení o členství u ČLK, protože jsem u ní nikdy registrovaná nebyla,
ale můžou mi vydat potvrzení o NEčlenství a ještě za to chtějí 300kč :D :D
My host family is amazing! I am dealing with loads of byrocracy concerning application for General Medical Council and my family is really helpful. I tend to cope with everything on my own, but I ask Adrian from time to time just to reasure myself, there is still some kind of language barier :D They even offered that I can stay in their house a bit longer until I find my own accomodation. Recently, I was so angry, because of the paperwork. I pay so much money and invest so much time a they will kick me out of the county if they deceide to exit European Union. But Adrian told me that this is not going to happen :D
My host family is amazing! I am dealing with loads of byrocracy concerning application for General Medical Council and my family is really helpful. I tend to cope with everything on my own, but I ask Adrian from time to time just to reasure myself, there is still some kind of language barier :D They even offered that I can stay in their house a bit longer until I find my own accomodation. Recently, I was so angry, because of the paperwork. I pay so much money and invest so much time a they will kick me out of the county if they deceide to exit European Union. But Adrian told me that this is not going to happen :D