Christmas is a huge event! And when I say huge I mean really huge! Everybody is excited, Christmas lights everywhere, presents (prezies) are so generous and Christmas markets in each city! Everybody wears their Christmas jumper. I met sixty years old man in Tesco wearing his Christmas jumper with reindeer the other day! And if you don´t have Christmas jumper who cares! You can wear Santa´s hat! Christmas songs are played in radio, but carefull, not Christmas carols, those are more religious ones how I was taught by Sandrine. Shops are overflowed with Christmas cards and min three of them are daily delivered to our house! Girls give one to every schoolmate! One of my gifts to family is baking Czech christmas sweets! Nobody understands why I bake every day and everytime another kind of sweet. And I baked just three kinds! And they don´t understand that it supposed to be left for holidays either, so almost everything is eaten by now :D And gingerbreads didn´t make it to get softer! :D
S holkama jsme taky objely snad všechny trhy v okolí. Většina z nich je inspirována Německem, bratwursty a gluhweine. První byl Birmingham.
My friends and I, we managed to visit almost every Christmas market in neighborhood. Loads of them are inspired by German markets, bratwursts nad gluhweine. Our first one was in Birmingham.
Ale kdepak, žádné město se svou výzdobou, atmosférou ani ničím jiným nevyrovnají Londýnu! Pro to snad ani nejsou slova! V každé ulici, na každém domě, stromu či jen sloupu obrovská světla, nádherná, barevná! Ano, člověk se musí obrnit obrovskou trpělivostí, protože ty davy lidí jsou neskutečné! Jako by se celý Londýn vydal do ulic, ale stojí to za to!
No way, no other city can beat London with Christmas lights or the atmosphere! There are no proper words to describe it! You can find huge lights on each street, each house, bautiful, enormous, colourful! Yes, you have to stand the crowds, but it is worth it!
Naladěna na Vánoční notu každou kostí a svalem jsem své anglické rodině uspořádala České Vánoce, což nakonec byl trochu mix. České jídlo, ryba a bramborový salát, "Christmas crackers", naštěstí žádný "minced pies", "Christmas puding or cake", protože to jsou doslova "disgusting" věci! Všichni jsme se na to krásně oblékli, mladý se dokonce sám nabídl, že upeče nějaký zákusek a dobrovolně si oblékl košili ( což moc často nebývá :D ). V "crackerech" jsme měli každý čepici, vtip a autíčko, kterým jsme závodili, kdo dostane dárek :D Do teď se divím, jak moc ke mě byli štědří! Jsou skvělí! :)
Inspired by Christmas mood, I made Czech Christmas dinner for my family. It was kind of mixture at the end. Czech food, fish, potatoe salad, Christmas craskers, luckily no minced pies, Christmas puding or cake, because these are literally disgusting! Everybody was wearing nice clothes, even our young boy offered that he can bake some cake and put on nice shirt ( this doesn´t happen very often! :D ). There was party hat, joke and racing car in each cracker, so we raced who get to get present! :D I still just can´t believe how generous were they! They are so amazing! :)
No a další den jsme si to zopakovaly s holkama! International vegetariánský Christmas lunch, finish Christmas drink, haloumi, bramborový salát a finské krekry s brie, no a nechyběly muffiny! :)
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