Stratford upon Avon, proslulé to město, rodiště Williama Shakespeara, cíl všech turistů a cíl všech našich návštěv. Ale, mezi námi, po hodině není co vidět a centrum je jedna ulice :D Nicméně na podzim jsme tam byly s Bářinou mamkou a jejími spolupracovníky a teď v únoru se Sárou a Matějem, kteří za mnou přijeli.
Stratford upon Avon, well known city, birthplace of William Shakespeare, a destination of all tourists and all of our visits. But, just between us, after an hour there is nothing left to see, because the city centre is just one street :D Nevertheless, Bara's mum, her colleagues and me were there in Autumn and Matěj, Sara, my friends and me went there this February.
Historické centrum, ulice kde lze najít Rodný dům Shakespeara Historic city centre, where you can find a birthhouse of Shakespeare |
Rodný dům Williama, což není nikde napsáno,vchod je o barák vedle, takže člověk asi musí být jasnovidec :D Shakespeare's house, there is no sign, so you have to be a psychic to gues it :D |
Nová verze Hvězdných válek, alias on to napsal Wilda! :D New version of Star wars, well Will wrote it! :D |
The Royal Shakespeare Theatre, na břehu řeky Avon, je zasvěceno, překvapivě, Shakespearovi a bylo založeno už roku 1932. Kromě Royal Shakespeare Company, která hraje Shakespearovy hry, tu vystupují i jiné divadelní spolky.
The Royal Shakespeare Theatre, on a bankside of the river Avon, is devote, well surprise!, to Shakespeare and it was estabilished in 1932. Besides Royal Shakespeare Company you can find another theatre groups here.
Royal Shakespeare theatre |
Lodičky se jmény postav z Shakespearových her, Romeo a Juliet byli na výletě :D Boats named after great Shakespeares characters, Romeo and Juliet were on a trip :D |
William Shakespeare is buried in one of the Churches here. Well, every other Church claim that it is the right one, so who knows what is actually the truth. We found some boards with information about him in one of them and his life from which I remember just one...when William got married, his wife was already pregnant. Naughty, naughty! :D
By Sara |
By Sara |
By Sara |
S Bárou máme pár věcí společných.... :D We have some things in common with Bara :D |
Útok labutě :D Swan's attack! :D |
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